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Imagine what would happen if you were able to add 500 consistent monthly customers to your business.  No need to imagine, our case studies show that this is what happens.

If your restaurant is continually full and constantly attracting new customers, please stop reading.  The Restaurant Accelerator System will overload what you already have going.  If, on the other hand, you do have some empty tables or have spent money on advertising with little to show for it, please keep reading.

Stop spending money on print ads or billboards that have a low ROI.  If you take a look at a typical coupon mailer, you'll see that a lot of money is spent.  Let's take a typical small town of 40,000 people.  Let's assume that you send out mail to 10,000 households that cover that town.    In order to send out a marketing mailer, you'll be spending close to $3,830 in postage.  Add the price of printing the mailer and paying someone to do graphics and you'll be looking at a minimum of $6,000 total.  

Let's take a look at a coupon program for a billboard ad.  There's no way to really redeem a coupon that way.  Most billboards are $1000 per month with no way to truly capture the ROI.

There is a better way and New Social Marketing is proud to be an innovator with this method.  

Take two minutes to see a demo from the customer's perspective:

New Social Marketing is proud to announce the launch of our Restaurant Accelerator system.  If you take the typical small town of 40,000, we can target your ideal customer market via a Facebook ad.  Many times that Facebook ad will reach 20,000 of those people in just a couple of days and cost $200-300 in ad costs.  Those people then click on the coupon that is digitally redeemed through the Restaurant Accelerator system.  

No QR codes to make.  No special modification needed to your point of sale system.  Just a simple acknowledgment as your customer is cashing out with the waiter/waitress.  Additionally, you're able to track your ROI in real time as the orders are complete.

Can it get better?  Yes, it can.  As they check out, the system will ask if they have visited your restaurant in the past 30 days.  If you subscribe to our monthly retainer program, you'll then be able to send those people a monthly coupon to turn an infrequent customer into a monthly customer. 







This allows you to dominate your market area for your market segment.  Speaking of that, if you have New Social Marketing on a Restaurant Accelerator monthly retainer, we promise that we will only market your business and not the competitors in your market segment and city. 


If you'd like a more detailed overview of the entire system, including case studies,  please click here:

Special offer:  To get the word out about BloNo Dining Deals, our group of nearly 1,000 coupon users who are ready to eat at your restaurant, New Social Marketing is offering half off of the normal pricing.  For only $250, we can run your first ad to our exclusive group and a target market of nearly 120,000 potential users.  This offer is valid only for restaurants that schedule our services in January and February.

To see if we have openings for your business, please fill out the form below:

I'm interested in seeing if the Restaurant Accelerator is still available for my market segment in my market area.

Thanks for submitting!

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